Workplace Courses

We have solid links with employers and Job Centres

Develop your skills and stand out from the crowd

We run short courses for adults looking to get back into employment. 

  • These courses are FREE as they are fully funded by the ESFA (Education Skills Funding Agency) to help you develop new skills and knowledge.
  • A coach will support you every step of the way, during the course and after, to boost your chances of employment on completion.
  • We also offer lots of ways and ideas of other courses that can help you progress in your career.
  •  We have strong partnerships with employers and Job Centres in Greater Manchester to help signpost you into work.
    • More areas will be available from August 2023.

To be Eligible you must:

  • Be 19 years old or over
  • Have a valid passport, driving licence or birth certificate
  • Live in the UK for three years or more
  • Be actively seeking employment

Plus, one of the following must also apply:

  • Be unemployed and claiming benefits
  • Work 16 hours per week or less/or earn under £17,000 per annum and claim benefits

Here are some of our courses:

Contact form

Please complete the form below and one of our advisors will get in touch with you.  

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